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The Rewarder
In our Christian life we are either hourly, a manager, or an Heir.
People at the Cross
People have to responses they either accept or reject Jesus.
In the Resurrection, Jesus didn't save himself so he could save you.
Palm Sunday
Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of God into the world and into our heart.
Glory of God and the Temple
God's Glory Dwells in His temple. His temple is not house by man-made buildings.
Glory to Glory
We are to see God's Glory and display his Glory.
Life to the full is living for the Glory of God.
The Right Way
In life we are torn between two paths, Jesus shows us the right way.
God’s Plan
Jesus waited to hear the from God, then he acted. This is the key to walking out God's plan.
Greatness and the Call to Servant Leadership

Prudence is a brother to wisdom which teaches us how to obtain knowledge and discernment.
Practical Wisdom
The book of Proverbs gives us practical wisdom. This sermon explores how wisdom effects our words.