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Why Jesus Came
Jesus came to serve, show us the father and to reach the lost.
A Child is Born
But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law.
What is God like?
There is great revelation of who God is in the life Jesus. It is life giving knowledge.
Reflecting Jesus
We are made to reflect God by being made in his image. Sin like a parasite tries to cover that image. Jesus has come to remove our sin and give…
God gives us many reasons to be thankful. This message looks at the why and how we should be thankful.
Best Dad Jokes - Thanksgiving Edition God calls us to be thankful in all seasons.
Your Imagination is Your Faith

Jesus I AM
Sometimes we wonder what God means when he says I am the I AM. Today we learn who Jesus says HE IS.
Victorious Mind
There are times in life when we just need to sit and think about who God is. This renews our mind and gives us hope.
Two Worlds

God calls the believers to remain Faithful.
Helping People
How do you help people when they need Jesus?